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Aire acondicionado

El aire acondicionado regula la temperatura, la humedad, la calidad del aire y la circulación del aire para un clima interior confortable.

Con más de 30 años de experiencia en la Costa Blanca, estamos especializados en sistemas de aire acondicionado tipo split, multisplit, de conductos y de cassette. Como instaladores autorizados, trabajamos principalmente con aires acondicionados del líder japonés Daikin y del surcoreano Samsung, conocidos por su calidad, eficiencia energética y funciones innovadoras. Además, ofrecemos también una opción más económica de la marca hispano-china Johnson.

airconditioning calpe solar power systems
Calidad superior

Nuestros aires acondicionados provienen exclusivamente de líderes mundiales del mercado.

Consumo energético bajo

Seleccionamos únicamente aires acondicionados con etiqueta energética A++ o A+++.


Trabajamos únicamente con los aires acondicionados más silenciosos para un confort óptimo.


Refrigerar, calentar, deshumidificar y ventilar.

Refrigerante R32

Todos nuestros aires acondicionados son inverters y utilizan gas refrigerante ecológico R32.

Salida de aire ajustable

Ajuste el flujo de aire según sus preferencias: vertical, horizontal, izquierda o derecha.

Modo silencioso/noche

Disfrute de una noche tranquila: todos nuestros aires acondicionados están equipados con un modo noche especial.

Acabado impecable

Un acabado limpio de tuberías y canaletas es una de nuestras prioridades.

Diseños elegantes

Ofrecemos únicamente aires acondicionados con diseños elegantes.

Garantías prolongadas

Ofrecemos un mínimo de 3 años de garantía en todos nuestros aires acondicionados.

diakin logo calpe solar power systems
airconditioning daikin calpe solar power systems
diakin logo calpe solar power systems

Daikin Sensira

  • Bajo consumo de energía (A+++)
  • Bajo nivel de ruido (a partir de 20 dBA)
  • Modo silencioso/reposo
  • Salida de aire ajustable
  • Aplicación smartphone opcional (Daikin Onecta)
  • Refrigerante R32
  • Garantía de 3 años

Enfriar, calentar, ventilar y deshumidificar

Hasta 30 m2 (25)
diakin logo calpe solar power systems
1.150 100
Incluye instalación e IVAper year
Including installation materials, tubing, condensation exhaust, and cable ductsIncluding installation materials, tubing, condensation exhaust, and cable ducts
Hasta 60 m2 (50)
diakin logo calpe solar power systems
2.050 100
Incluye instalación e IVAper year
Including installation materials, tubing, condensation exhaust, and cable ductsIncluding installation materials, tubing, condensation exhaust, and cable ducts
Hasta 40 m2 (35)
diakin logo calpe solar power systems
1.250 100
Incluye instalación e IVAper year
Including installation materials, tubing, condensation exhaust, and cable ductsIncluding installation materials, tubing, condensation exhaust, and cable ducts
Hasta 70 m2 (60)
diakin logo calpe solar power systems
2.550 100
Incluye instalación e IVAper year
Including installation materials, tubing, condensation exhaust, and cable ductsIncluding installation materials, tubing, condensation exhaust, and cable ducts
Hasta 50 m2 (42)
diakin logo calpe solar power systems
1.650 100
Incluye instalación e IVAper year
Including installation materials, tubing, condensation exhaust, and cable ductsIncluding installation materials, tubing, condensation exhaust, and cable ducts
Hasta 80 m2 (71)
diakin logo calpe solar power systems
2.800 100
Incluye instalación e IVAper year
Including installation materials, tubing, condensation exhaust, and cable ductsIncluding installation materials, tubing, condensation exhaust, and cable ducts
airconditioning daikin calpe solar power systems
airconditioning daikin calpe solar power systems

Daikin Sensira

Modelos multi-split 2×1

(2 unidades interiores en 1 unidad exterior)

60 m2 (2x1)
diakin logo calpe solar power systems
2.750 100
Incluye instalación e IVAper year
For 2 rooms of up to 30 m2For 2 rooms of up to 30 m2
Including installation materials, tubing, condensation exhaust, and cable ductsIncluding installation materials, tubing, condensation exhaust, and cable ducts
70 m2 (2x1)
diakin logo calpe solar power systems
2.800 100
Incluye instalación e IVAper year
For 2 rooms of up to 30 and 40 m2For 2 rooms of up to 30 and 40 m2
Including installation materials, tubing, condensation exhaust, and cable ductsIncluding installation materials, tubing, condensation exhaust, and cable ducts
80 m2 (2x1)
diakin logo calpe solar power systems
2.950 100
Incluye instalación e IVAper year
For 2 rooms of up to 40 m2For 2 rooms of up to 40 m2
Including installation materials, tubing, condensation exhaust, and cable ductsIncluding installation materials, tubing, condensation exhaust, and cable ducts
airconditioning daikin calpe solar power systems
airconditioning daikin calpe solar power systems
airconditioning daikin calpe solar power systems
diakin logo calpe solar power systems

Daikin Sensira

Modelos multi-split 3×1

(3 unidades interiores en 1 unidad exterior)

90 m2 (3x1)
diakin logo calpe solar power systems
3.700 100
Incluye instalación e IVAper year
For 3 rooms of up to 30 m2For 3 rooms of up to 30 m2
Including installation materials, tubing, condensation exhaust, and cable ductsIncluding installation materials, tubing, condensation exhaust, and cable ducts
100 m2 (3x1)
diakin logo calpe solar power systems
3.750 100
Incluye instalación e IVAper year
For 3 rooms of up to 30, 30 and 40 m2For 3 rooms of up to 30, 30 and 40 m2
Including installation materials, tubing, condensation exhaust, and cable ductsIncluding installation materials, tubing, condensation exhaust, and cable ducts
samsung logo calpe solar power systems
airconditioning samsung calpe solar power systems
samsung logo calpe solar power systems

Samsung Wind-Free Comfort

Con enfriamiento sin viento (sin movimiento de aire) e Inteligencia Artificial (IA)

  • Bajo consumo de energía (A++)
  • Bajo nivel de ruido (a partir de 19 dBA)
  • Modo silencioso/reposo
  • Salida de aire ajustable
  • Aplicación smartphone (Samsung Smarthings)
  • Refrigerante R32
  • Garantía de 3 años

Enfriar, calentar, ventilar y deshumidificar

Hasta 30 m2 (09)
samsung logo calpe solar power systems
1.250 100
Incluye instalación e IVAper year
Including installation materials, tubing, condensation exhaust, and cable ductsIncluding installation materials, tubing, condensation exhaust, and cable ducts
Hasta 60 m2 (24)
samsung logo calpe solar power systems
2.400 100
Incluye instalación e IVAper year
Including installation materials, tubing, condensation exhaust, and cable ductsIncluding installation materials, tubing, condensation exhaust, and cable ducts
Hasta 40 m2 (12)
samsung logo calpe solar power systems
1.350 100
Incluye instalación e IVAper year
Including installation materials, tubing, condensation exhaust, and cable ductsIncluding installation materials, tubing, condensation exhaust, and cable ducts
Hasta 50 m2 (18)
samsung logo calpe solar power systems
1.900 100
Incluye instalación e IVAper year
Including installation materials, tubing, condensation exhaust, and cable ductsIncluding installation materials, tubing, condensation exhaust, and cable ducts
johnson logo calpe solar power systems
airconditioning johnson calpe solar power systems
johnson logo calpe solar power systems

Johnson Etna

  • Bajo consumo de energía (A++)
  • Bajo nivel de ruido (a partir de 23 dBA)
  • Modo silencioso/reposo
  • Salida de aire ajustable
  • Aplicación smartphone (Smartlife)
  • Refrigerante R32
  • Garantía de 3 años

Enfriar, calentar, ventilar y deshumidificar

Hasta 30 m2 (25)
johnson logo calpe solar power systems
950 100
Incluye instalación e IVAper year
Including installation materials, tubing, condensation exhaust, and cable ductsIncluding installation materials, tubing, condensation exhaust, and cable ducts
Hasta 80 m2 (71)
johnson logo calpe solar power systems
1.800 100
Incluye instalación e IVAper year
Including installation materials, tubing, condensation exhaust, and cable ductsIncluding installation materials, tubing, condensation exhaust, and cable ducts
Hasta 40 m2 (35)
johnson logo calpe solar power systems
1.000 100
Incluye instalación e IVAper year
Including installation materials, tubing, condensation exhaust, and cable ductsIncluding installation materials, tubing, condensation exhaust, and cable ducts
Hasta 60 m2 (52)
johnson logo calpe solar power systems
1.600 100
Incluye instalación e IVAper year
Including installation materials, tubing, condensation exhaust, and cable ductsIncluding installation materials, tubing, condensation exhaust, and cable ducts